So week 1 of BBMC5 was completed on Saturday since Sunday was a rest day. I couldn't believe that I actually exercised on a Saturday. I felt so empowered that day! Honestly I never thought I would get past day 2. I'm just not a consistent exerciser but I guess that is changing ;)
What cooldown?! |
Today started week 2 and it took me a while to get going this morning. Today was a strength workout, and I found myself doing surprisingly well (except on the v-sit crunches. Evil little exercise). While completing today's workout, I found that my legs felt stronger than ever. There is this exercise called Goblet squats where you squat all the way down where your elbows hit your knees while holding a weight. I thought they were going to be awful but actually they were one of my favorite exercises. Now the v-sit crunches, those did not go well. I may have done several but I felt like my core was on fire. Of course that makes sense for my core to be the weakest area of my body since I've had two kids in 3 years. I hope that as I continue to exercise my core tones and tightens.

In conjunction with exercising, I'm also attempting to eat healthier. Lots of protein, vegetables, and fruits. Very little sugars, processed foods, dairy and gluten. That being how does one eat healthy when it is so expensive; and for those of you who are gluten free, I don't know how you do it (you must share your secrets). I'll spare you the horror story that was my shopping trip last night; but in the end, I spent a ridiculous amount of money on healthy foods (almost $60 on produce alone). I went home feeling discouraged and annoyed. But this morning, I woke up with a more positive attitude. I'm going to do the very best I can to eat healthier. I'm going to stop snacking on junk food and snack on healthy foods. I'm going to say no to sodas and yes to water. I'm not just doing this for myself but for my girls as well.
The support I've received from friends and family has been awesome. You guys are the ones that keep me going. That keep me wanting to exercise. In fact, I've discovered that I actually like exercising (cue the dramatic gasp) and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
Until next time!
I'm a social worker, a mom, but most of all I'm a Christian.
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