Here I go again! Attempting to blog about my life and what it is like with 2 under 2.5. That's right I have a second child. All of my facebook friends know this but if you follow me outside of facebook God blessed me with a second child November of last year.

Baby grump as we lovingly call her is 6 months old. She can crawl, occasionally pull up, and has 1 tooth. She sleeps through the night and loves to eat. Her big sister loves her even if she doesn't always show it. My toddler has turned into the biggest little helper since her little sister was born.
So now I have two beautiful daughters that I'm very proud of. And because I want to be the very best mommy I can be, I've decided its time to get in shape. So for the next 90 days I'm going to attempt to follow Briana through her BBMC5 or Bikini Body Mommy Challenge 5.0.

I've never been one to stick to exercise routines especially if I don't have an accountability partner. Well this time I do and that has created this excitement about exercising that I've not had in a long time. So for the first time since my toddler was born, I want to exercise again. Yeah!
So I'm hoping to I'll stick to blogging this time because truthfully I use to love to write. I remember being in elementary and middle school and writing all sorts of stories. I've even started writing a book. I may bore you with my post on exercising and eating healthy but I also plan to write about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.
So now that I've reintroduced myself (lol). I hope you will once again follow me as I attempt to rekindle my love for writing.
So before I sign off today I just wanted to share a little something that I find absolutely adorable. While I was completing Day 2 of the BBMC 5 my toddler was "helping" me exercise. Sometimes she would lean on me, sometimes she would stand right where I needed to be, and sometimes she was cheering me on. While I was completing one of the exercises, she lovingly told me to slow down. I just can't get over the cuteness of a toddler.
Until next time!
I'm a social worker, a mom, but most of all I'm a Christian.